Thursday, 17 August 2017

Red Velvet Cheesecake

A friend of mine got married and when she and her husband came back to Germany, they had a little party for her friends and family over her as well. So, of course, I asked her what kind of cake she wanted to have and she asked for a somewhat American cheesecake, since her husband is ... well ... American :-)

So, I came up with a red velvet cheesecake, covered in white chocolate ganache and sprinkled with red sugar and white chocolate.

Of course, I forgot to take a picture of the cake before they cut it. One day I will remember to do so beforehand.

And that's what it looked on the inside.

Oh, and as soon as I have finished posting all those wedding cakes, I might start posting recipes again ;)

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Wedding Mini Cakes

Yet, another wedding cake. I've already made some mini-cake wedding favours, but this one was my first real mini-cake wedding cake.

Adding the final touches at the venue's kitchen:

The small cakes were decorated in three fashions, each one for another flavour. The ones with the small roses contained chocolate sponge and an orange infused chocolate ganache. The ones decorated with small hearts were a vanilla sponge with cherries and vanilla butter cream, and the remaining flowers concealed a lemon sponge with raspberries and lemon butter cream. All cakes were covered in marzipan and fondant.

And the cake finally arriving at the reception room:

Both, bride and groom, loved it and the bride's sister who works in a bakery still talks about the cake every time she sees me :)

Friday, 11 August 2017

Wedding Pinata

You know those friends who try to marry secretly? But somehow you get to know and talk the bride's maid of honor into delivering a cake because you cannot let that happen without baking a little something. Well, exactly that happened.

What I did not take a photo of is the fact that this is a pinata. If cut, the lower cake spilled candy and a tiny letter for the bride and groom.

I tried embossing, which I had not too much done before. So, I liked the floral-petaly boarder and felt like doing more of it to the remaining fondant, slightly brushing the surface with gold lustre powder.


The top:

The side:

And the whole thing:

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Gemini Birthday Cake

So, it's more than two years since my last post here. A lot has happened within the last two years, like buying a house, for example. Lots of cakes have been baked and while rediscovering my blog, I also found several half-ready posts that are still waiting in line.

I will end my blogging-abstinence with a birthday cake a colleague asked my to make for her elder daughter. Said daughter's zodiac sign is Gemini and at that time she has developed an interest for stellar constellations, so that's what she got.

I don't remember what kind of cake it was exactly, but it had two thin layers of vanilla sponge and a thick layer of yoghurt cream with tangerines. All that covered in dark chocolate. The stars are made of icing and ... well, sugar stars, whereas the stardust consists of self-made coloured sugar. Simply put some crystalline sugar with a few drops of blue and green liquid food colour into a small plastic bag and shake it until all the sugar crystals are coloured. Then, spread on a baking sheet and let dry. Et voila, ready to use 😊

Concerning further posts, there are even some wedding cakes I haven't yet blogged about, so those I will definitely share within the next ... (I don't dare to say days ...) ... weeks :-)