Saturday, 12 May 2012


And yet another birthday cake :)

Ok, it looks some kind of weird, but it is supposed to be the place were some of the Condraean soldiers, named stormhawks, reside. The standing one is supposed to be their reeve, calles Sarah Kupferschläger. I'm not sure whether the other one is still living or no. One the one hand, this one might just be chilling, but on the other hand, there are clothes and weapons next to him on the ground, so maybe he wanted to much stuff and Silke (their equipment manager) knocked him out ;)

Within the fondant there is vanilla and chocolate marble cake filled with cherries and vanilla butter cream.

The design is based on one of Debbie Brown's cakes which shows three 'potterish' students riding broomsticks. Well, no Potter here; Kupferschläger instead ;) 
Oh, by the way: It was the person who plays Sarah Kupferschläger who got this cake for her birthday.

If you like me to post the recipe and a how-to-do-it-thingy as well, feel free to say so. Your wish is my command :)

1 comment:

  1. Elli, I think the one on the ground is Brückner after drinking too much Vierkant and sleeping it off now :-p
