Saturday 26 May 2012

Rhubarb Cake

One day my boyfriend came home with some rhubarb. Well, I have never eaten it before, let alone baking or cooking it. So, why not having a go?

Ok, I have to admit that I made this cake a while ago and I got the recipe from somewhere on the inter-net. Guess what? I haven't got the slightest idea where I have found it and I cannot find it now.
Well, so I will only roughly tell you what the cake is made of.

First, you have to make a shell out of one egg, flour, butter and a bit sugar. Mix the ingredients and press the dough into a greased and floured 26cm baking tin. Put it into the fridge while preparing the filling.

For the filling, skin 1 kg of rhubarb (mine was red on the outside and rather greenish on the inside, but there are several sorts...) and cut it into ca. 1cm slices.
Then, take one sachet of vanilla custard powder and mix the powder with some sugar (cf. sachet) and about 100ml milk. Meanwhile, cook about 300ml milk. In total it is only 400ml instead of 500, but so it should get a bit more firm. I think, I added a bit more sugar because the rhubarb was not too sweet, but again, this depends on the sort of rhubarb you use.
Stir the mixture into the hot milk. Go on stirring until the mass becomes thick. Then, fold under the rhubarb pieces.

Put everything into the shell in the tin and bake the cake at 175°C for... well that is a good question... I think it was about an hour, but better try less and check every now and then whether it is done ;)

Well, I hope my explanation is not too much of a mess and you'll have fun with it :)

Saturday 12 May 2012


And yet another birthday cake :)

Ok, it looks some kind of weird, but it is supposed to be the place were some of the Condraean soldiers, named stormhawks, reside. The standing one is supposed to be their reeve, calles Sarah Kupferschläger. I'm not sure whether the other one is still living or no. One the one hand, this one might just be chilling, but on the other hand, there are clothes and weapons next to him on the ground, so maybe he wanted to much stuff and Silke (their equipment manager) knocked him out ;)

Within the fondant there is vanilla and chocolate marble cake filled with cherries and vanilla butter cream.

The design is based on one of Debbie Brown's cakes which shows three 'potterish' students riding broomsticks. Well, no Potter here; Kupferschläger instead ;) 
Oh, by the way: It was the person who plays Sarah Kupferschläger who got this cake for her birthday.

If you like me to post the recipe and a how-to-do-it-thingy as well, feel free to say so. Your wish is my command :)